Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Goddess, Redux

A quick follow-up to an earlier posting I made, about the old Shanghai B&W silent film "The Goddess," starring Ruan Lingyu.

While I linked a four minute clip, a few people mailed, asking about finding the entire movie. In Shanghai I found it at the foreigner's bookstore on Fuzhou Lu, I imagine other large sellers of non-bootleg DVDs, in China, will also have it. In foreign countries I'm not sure, although my version was published by Boying.

I also received an e-mail that the movie will be re-scored live and shown at the Edinburgh Film Festival on March 9th. An outline of Ruan Lingyu's face graces the brochures. Additionally, the amazing Maggie Cheung (who among other things, starred in "Center Stage," a biopic of Ruan Lingyu) will be there. If Edinburgh wasn't on the other side of the globe, I would be so down!

Finally, the movie in its entirety can be found on Youtube. Watching movies on Youtube is obviously less than ideal. But it can be done, and if you click around enough the movies can be watched in a full screen window, rather than just a little video box. It's divided into the first and second half, and the inter titles are in English.

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